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FMAC By-Laws & Rules

The By-laws and Rules by which the "Frederick Model Aircraft Club" is founded are posted here for the general membership and are the basis for it's operation.

All member pilots, visiting pilots and their guest must be familiar with and in accordance with the "Frederick Model Aircraft Club - Field Rules" and the "AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code"

Please remember that the "Safety Officer" and the "Field Marshal" are volunteers who serve to help our club members have a safe environment in which to enjoy this hobby/sport.
Do not take his or her request as a personal insult.

It is the responsibility of every member to help the club enforce these rules.  If you see anyone in violation of these rules, take a moment and make them aware of the rule violation.

Please report any repeat violations to the Field Marshall and/or the Safety Officer.

Take a few moments to review the by-laws and rules.
Downloadable files are available at the bottom of each page if you wish to have a printed copy.  

Enjoy this sport/hobby in a organized and safe environment.


FMAC By-Laws "pdf" format >By-Laws
Field Rules
AMA Safety Code